
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Redrawing School Boundaries and Boycotts

1.The process for redrawing school district boundaries in Westchester County is Sisyphean. It would involve obtaining the consent of the school district who would be inheriting the transferred students and payment of financial compensation from the school district who wants to send new students to another district.

It would require the consent of the State Education Commissioner.

It is a distraction from the effort to Stop The Jefferson.

It is divisive. It pits neighbor against neighbor.

It is not going to happen.

Let's keep our focus on The Jefferson and the harm it will do to everyone who lives in all our Rivertowns communities.

2. Have you been to The Galleria, The Westchester or Woodbury Commons recently? The are all owned by Simon Malls. Did you know Simon Malls is being boycotted by 2nd Amendment zealots who don't like that Simon Malls opposes guns in their malls?  Boycotts come and go. Few are successful. Most are forgettable like the silly one this past holiday season over coffee cups.

While it may be a nice soundbite to say "boycott Rivertowns Square," its success will most likely be fleeting.  Most people shop based on price and convenience. Thats why last year 20 billion dollars of furniture was sold through e-commerce on sites like Wayfair.  Feel good measures won't stop The Jefferson. As President Obama ably explained in his last State of the Union speech - our type of democracy is hard. We need to spend time studying the land use process. We need to look at the numbers JPI is relying on and show how they are faulty or misleading. We need to show up at all the meetings that will be held before the Town Board, the planning board and the zoning board. We have to guard against the well known developer strategy of wearing us down with last minute cancelled meetings or government officials and employees who keep aspects of the process hidden or hard to find as we see now with the Town's website.

That will take a lot of energy and the need to build coalitions with others in the Town who may have issues we can support in exchange.   The Jefferson poses,  as former Ardsley Mayor John Morehouse noted, an almost existential risk to our area. We need to get the best scoping document we can. We have to hold our elected officials to their pronouncements that if no material benefit is shown to Ardsley, they will not approve it. Let's not get sidetracked.

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