
Friday, January 15, 2016

Urgent Repair Memo to the Town's Self Described Problem Solver

To: Supervisor Paul Feiner
From: Greenburgh Taxpayers
Subject: Overdue Repairs
Priority: High
January 15, 2016

1. The problems with the sound system at Town Hall have gone on for far too long. This must be fixed before the next scoping session. No more excuses. Call the A/V experts at KVL right here in Greenburgh on Saw Mill River Road - today!

2. Municipal websites were  recently ranked. Greenburgh's was one of the worst. Town residents are now seeing why. The information about The Jefferson is absurdly buried deeply in the forms and documents section of the Community Development and Conservation  Department section. Archived Town Board meetings are hidden in the "live" Town Board meetings link. This is the plastic version of open Government not the gold standard we deserve. Make the documents and links to The Jefferson easily  accessible. Fix and update the website so it looks like something from 2016 not 1992 when you first took office.

3. Your campaign literature and the sign on your car claim you are the problem solver. If so, prove it and fix these problems. Please feel free to email back your scheduled date for making these repairs.

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